Economics and Econometrics Postgraduate Research Studentships for PhD study

The School of Economics at the University of Surrey is offering full-time doctoral (postgraduate research) studentships in Economics and Econometrics starting in October 2013.

The studentships will cover tuition fees, and provide maintenance for a total of up to £14,340 pa*.

We are looking to recruit exceptional doctoral (PhD) students to join our PhD programme whose research interests complement the School’s research strengths (3/4 year studentship).

The School’s PhD programme comprises approximately three years of full time study during which you will undertake a structured, supervised programme of scholarly research leading to a thesis that makes an original contribution to knowledge and is of a standard appropriate for publication in high-quality refereed journals. During your first year you will be required to take Ph.D. modules in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics.

As a member of the ESRC funded South East Doctoral Training Centre, the School offers excellent research training and the opportunity to be part of a vibrant research community that shapes agendas of scholarship and practice.

Successful candidates will have or expect to be awarded a good first degree (First) and normally have or expect to be awarded a good Masters degree (Distinction) in Economics or related discipline. They will have outstanding research potential and enthusiasm to pursue research in an area consistent with the School’s research expertise.

*Maintenance comprises a stipend of £11,130 pa, a research training support grant of up to £750 pa, and demonstrating duties up to £2,460 pa.

Also Read  AHRC Doctoral Studentship (PhD) - Music International Centre for Music Studies (ICMuS)

Application Process

1/ Apply to study on our PhD programme at  

2/ Further details of our research interests and the expertise of our academic staff are available at:

3/ In your application state clearly that you also wish to be considered for a School of Economics PhD.

4/ Strong Studentship candidates will be invited to interview.

Please note:

To be considered for a Studentship you must be offered a place to study at the University.

Closing date for submissions wishing to be considered is Friday 5 July, 2013. Interviews will take place in early July.

Contacts for enquiries

Giovanni Forchini, PGR Admission Director, School of economics:

Laura Pettinger, Postgraduate Recruitment and Admissions, School of Economics:

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