ESRC 1+3 or +3 Studentships

ESRC 1+3 or +3 Studentships

School of Business and Management

The School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London invites applications to be put forward for ESRC Studentships through the London Social Science Doctoral Training Centre (joint between QMUL and Goldsmiths) These studentships may be either 1+3 (one year MRes followed by three year PhD), or +3 (three year PhD only, available for those who will have completed appropriate masters level social science research training). We welcome applications in the following areas:

  • Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity (CRED)
  • Centre for Globalisation Research (CGR)
  • Centre for Management and Organisational History (CMoH)
  • Marketing and Communications group (MARCOMMS)
  • Public Management group
  • Organisational Management and Learning Leadership group (OMLL)
  • Business Ecosystems research group (BERG)
  • Behavioural Finance working group

Candidates must specify which research group they wish to join on their application form. The research proposals submitted by applicants should fit at least one of the above centres/groups.


The Award
Eligibility for the ESRC awards is based on UK residency, although EU students not resident in the UK may apply for a fees only award. Applications are especially welcome from those wishing to utilise an advanced quantitative methodology and/or whose work will include collaboration with a non-academic public, private or voluntary organisation. For further details about eligibility and other frequently asked questions, please see:

The Studentship consists of the full cost of (home or EU) fees and £15,726 a year for maintenance for 3 years for London-based students. Award holders will be expected to undertake some departmental duties through the course of their PhD as a condition of the award.

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Candidate Profile
The School of Business and Management is committed to appointing only the very best candidates to its PhD programme. To apply you should have a good first degree (BA or BSc Honours or equivalent), at upper second class or equivalent with evidence of some 1st class work, and a Masters qualification (at Merit or above with evidence of some Distinction level work) in a cognate discipline related to the studentship. All applicants will be judged according to the same criteria, namely: record of academic and/or professional achievement; quality of their research proposal; and compatibility with the theme of the studentship.

Further Details and Application Process
General enquiries should be addressed to the PhD Administrator, Monira Begum (

Candidates are encouraged to discuss their research proposal with a member of academic staff specialising in their research area. Details of academic staff and their research interests can be found on the School website (

For further details and how to apply visit: and see the School’s web pages:

Application Deadline

The closing date for applications is 31st January 2014. All short-listed applicants will be interviewed shortly after the closing date (either face-to-face or, in the case of overseas candidates, by Skype or telephone).

Applicants must complete the additional ESRC Application form to be considered for the ESRC studentships: See

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