Four PhD Departmental Research Studentships

The Department of Psychology intends to award four 3-year research bursaries to start on 1st October 2013. £15,900 per annum is payable to support full-time PhD research studies and Home/EU tuition fees are paid by the Department. Successful applicants will be expected to undertake teaching assistant duties such as supporting research methods across the curriculum, up to 6h per week and up to 20 weeks of the year. Research students are not permitted to carry out more than 6h work outside their studies (including the 6h assistance with teaching) for 45 weeks per year.

The Department has excellent research facilities including spacious laboratories and observation spaces equipped with up-to-date facilities including video cameras and video editing facilities; eye tracking equipment; software for running psychological experiments and excellent psychophysiology resources including EEG and (f)MRI.

We are interested in receiving applications on the following topics (with the following potential supervisors):

Exploring risk factors for depression and stimulation-induced neuroplasticity using multimodal imaging techniques. (Dr Ray Norbury)

Modulation of attentional biases using brain stimulation and cognitive training. (Dr Jon Silas)

Recollection and familiarity in normal and brain-damaged adults. (Dr Kaz Brandt)

Speech/auditory processing, sensory abnormalities or heterogeneity in autism spectrum disorders using quantitative methods. (Dr Jen Mayer)

The relationship between consumer culture values (materialism and body image), well-being and academic motivation in young people: Links with identity. (Dr Mark Wright)

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The organization of human social interaction in work-place and/or multimodal settings  (combining Conversation Analysis and quantitative methods). (Dr John Rae)

Machine learning techniques for the analysis of functional imaging data from word meaning tasks. (Dr Joe Levy)

Outstanding candidates wishing to conduct research on topics in other areas of our current research are also welcome to apply.

Details of academic staff and their research interests can be found through the Staff and Research links on the departmental website:

Informal enquiries can be made to relevant members of staff or to relevant Research Centre Directors. Applicants are encouraged to contact potential supervisors.

Applicants should hold a 1st or 2:1 honours degree, and a good Masters degree or equivalent, in psychology or other related discipline.

Applications must be made by submission of an Initial Application Form available from:

You are also required to submit a full CV and a written statement (not exceeding 500 words) outlining why you would like to study for a PhD at the University of Roehampton and the skills that you can bring.

Application forms can be submitted by e-mail to

Closing date: Friday 19 July 2013

Interviews will be held during the week beginning 29 July 2013. If necessary, interviews can be conducted by telephone.

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