Fully funded PhD studentship Regulation of diabetic neuropathy by growth factors

School of Clinical Sciences

The above studentship is available jointly supervised by Dr Lucy Donaldson and Professor David Bates (http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/scs/divisions/preclinicaloncology/people/david.bates) to work on the molecular mechanisms that underpin painful neuropathies. Our preliminary work has identified that vascular growth factors can modulate pain induced by diabetes. The subject of this research is to uncover the molecular mechanisms underlying this finding. Further details can be obtained directly by contacting Dr Lucy Donaldson or Professor Bates (David.Bates@nottingham.ac.uk). This project will involve cell and molecular biological approaches, in vivo behavioural and physiological approaches, and concentrate on using the understanding gained to translate findings for the development of new therapeutic strategies for chronic pain in diabetes.

Students should have (or be expected to obtain) a first or upper second class BSc honours degree in a Life Sciences subject. The position is available only to UK and/or EU nationals. The studentship pays fees at the H/EU rate and a maintenance stipend (currently £13,590.00) which will rise in line with minimum Research Council rates.

This studentship is available from October 2013.

To apply, Please submit a covering letter and CV, with the name, address and full contact details including email contact of three referees to Donna Cannon (donna.cannon@nottingham.ac.uk). Please quote ref. MED/1176. Applications will be considered on an ongoing basis and the position will remain open until filled.

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