PhD CASE Studentship funded by BBSRC/GSK

Applications are invited for a 4-year PhD studentship commencing in October 2013, funded by the BBSRC jointly with GSK. The studentship provides a tax-free stipend (£22,946) in addition to covering tuition fees at the UK/EU rate.

The aim of the project is to understand the mechanisms responsible for pathological blood vessel growth in two common diseases of the eye, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR). The work will build on the well-characterised role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in retinal vascular disease, and the work will involve cellular, molecular and functional characterisation of vascular endothelial cells in experimental and in vitro models. These results will contribute to the development of novel therapies for the treatment of blinding retinal diseases, and will complement a successful GSK-UCL Institute of Ophthalmology collaboration in improving therapeutic options in AMD and DR. We are looking for highly motivated candidates with excellent scientific potential.

The UCL Institute of Ophthalmology carries out research in state-of-the-art laboratories adjacent to Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Trust. The Institute achieved the highest possible ratings in the last four Research Assessment Exercises, demonstrating sustained excellence across a wide range of activities from basic sciences to clinically-related translational study. This is an ideal environment for research training.

The PhD student will benefit from state-of-art facilities within the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and UCL School of Life and Medical Sciences. The successful candidate will gain experience in cell and molecular biology and develop an understanding of retinal vascular disease. The project will benefit a student who wishes to establish a career in Biomedical Science.

Also Read  Fee-waiving Scholarships in Computing, Engineering and Sciences (UK/EU and non-EU)

Applicants should hold (or expect to obtain) a minimum upper-second class honours degree or equivalent in one of the biological sciences or genetics. Previous laboratory-based research experience is desirable.

Formal applications should be submitted in the form of a CV and covering letter outlining motivation, interest, and suitability for this project to Details for three references should also be provided. Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Stephen E Moss ( or Professor John Greenwood (

Application deadline is 17th May 2013

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