PhD Opportunity Characterisation of droplet generation from oil films for aeroengine bearing chambers (EPSRC Industrial CASE Award with Rolls-Royce)

Nottingham University has a thriving Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC) in gas turbine transmission systems.  The UTC includes postgraduate and post-doctoral researchers, academics and high quality technical staff. We have some excellent test rigs, laboratory and computational facilities. For further information on the UTC see:

A PhD opportunity has arisen within the UTC, funded via an EPSRC Industrial CASE award (iCASE), to apply experimental (primarily optical/visualisation) and analytical techniques to droplet-film impact.  Within aeroengine bearing chambers oil is used as lubricant and coolant. It is typically present as droplets and film within the highly rotating bearing chamber environment.  How the droplets interact with the films is one of the keys to understanding bearing chamber performance.  It is extremely difficult to conduct experiments within an aeroengine bearing chamber and in this project data will be collected from a test rig that reproduces key aspects of behaviour.  The chosen researcher will conduct an experimental campaign to collect data leading to improved understanding and characterisation of droplet-film interaction processes. 

UTC researchers operate within a professional environment and have regular contact with Rolls Royce staff throughout their project. 

Students should have or expect to obtain a 1st class or good 2:1 MEng or BEng degree in Mechanical engineering or similar.  An appropriate MSc awarded at Distinction or Merit is also acceptable.  Additional eligibility criteria associated with the iCASE award are available at:

Also Read  PhD CASE Studentship funded by BBSRC/GSK

The post is available for immediate start and has a stipend of £17,000 p.a. (tax free) for 3-years. The iCASE award will fully fund PhD registration fees for a UK or EU researcher, due to funding restrictions.

Generic information for applicants is available at:

For informal enquiries prior to making an application please contact either Dr David Hann ( or Dr Kathy Simmons ( ).

If you are interested in making an application, please contact Dr Kathy Simmons ( ),via the ‘Apply’ button below, directly with a covering letter stating clearly how you fulfil the requirements of the studentship, and include a CV and the names and addresses of two academic referees. Please quote ref. ENG/713    

Closing date: 31 July 2013

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