PhD Studentship in Tailoring the Electronic Properties of Multifunctional Atomically Thin 2D Materials

Supervisor: Dr Cecilia Mattevi

Duration: 36 months

We are seeking applications from enthusiastic graduates for a three-year PhD studentship to study transition metal dichalcogenides in their atomically thin form with the aim of identifying synthesis methodologies that can enable control over their opto-electronic properties. The ultimate goal will be to integrate the synthesized material in practical devices. The project will be based in the Department of Materials at the South Kensington Campus.


The discovery of graphene has triggered an enormous interest in 2D atomic materials systems that can be isolated from their 3D bulk form. These single/few atomic layers exhibit functional properties different from their bulk counterpart offering novel applications. In particular semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) (e.g.WS2, MoS2) display unique optoelectronic properties, which are strongly dependent on their chemical doping and dimensionality. However, methodologies for synthesis and isolation of 2D atomic layers with controlled electronic features are still to be demonstrated.


The aim of the proposed research is: i) to synthesize high quality material via bottom-up and top-down approaches and develop a growth parametric study in order to achieve properties control ii) to advance the knowledge on these materials by studying their tunable electronic structure, iii) to integrate the synthesized material in optoelectronic devices on flexible/stretchable substrates. To accomplish these studies, various experimental techniques from synthesis to characterization will be used. Examples are: chemical vapour deposition, colloidal processing, Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, UV-Visible luminescence spectroscopy and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy.

Also Read  AHRC Doctoral Studentship (PhD) - History

You will work within a team of dynamic PhD Students and Research Associates, in newly refurbished laboratories on the South Kensington Campus. You will also have extensive interaction with several international collaborators, as well as project partners. You will have access to advanced characterization facilities within the department including Titan 80/300 TEM/STEM and the recently funded ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy (APPES).

We are seeking candidates with a minimum 2:1 (or equivalent) first degree in Materials Science, Chemistry or Applied Physics. This 3-year studentship will begin in October 2013.  For those meeting the criterion of having been ordinarily resident in the UK for three years the studentship will cover fees at the home/EU rate plus the standard maintenance stipend of £15,726 per annum.

Applications will be processed as received.


How to apply

The prospectus, entry requirements and application form  are available at:

This project will be supervised by Dr Cecilia Mattevi ( For questions regarding the admissions process, please contact Fiona Thomson ( The prospectus, entry requirements and application form (under ‘how to apply’) are available at:

Formal applications can be completed online (only after informal enquiries): while information about the Department can be found at


Closing date: 5 May 2013


Committed to equality and valuing diversity.  We are also an Athena Bronze SWAN Award winner, a Stonewall Diversity Champion and a Two Ticks Employer


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