Two Junior Research Positions/Two PhDs Theology

Radboud University Nijmegen is a comprehensive university with a broad focus. It has a modern, green campus that boasts various state-of-the-art facilities. Radboud University emphasizes personal attention, intensive education and a strong sense of community. All in all, this results in high-quality education and research and interdisciplinary cooperation, which make Radboud University a successful university of international standing.

Two Junior Research Positions/Two PhDs Theology
(1,0 fte each)

Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies

Maximum salary: € 2.638 gross/month

Vacancy number: 21.04.13

Closing date: 9 August 2013


As a PhD candidate you will write a dissertation on a topic related to modern systematic theology, more specifically to the theology of Edward Schillebeeckx. The envisaged dissertation projects will form an integral part of the research project “Edward Schillebeeckx and Contemporary Public Theology”. One PhD-project will concentrate on Edward’s Schillebeeckx’ Christology as Public Theology. The other PhD-project will focus on the historical and topical importance of Edward Schillebeeckx’ Ecclesiology.
You will be trained as a researcher according to an individual Training and Supervision Plan.

Work environment

The Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, of which the Faculty of Theology forms an integral part, aims to provide the best possible academic learning and working environment for its 700 students and 140 staff members.

Your research will be embedded in the Research Institute for Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies and in research programme I (“Competing Worldviews”). Within that programme, you will be part of a group of researchers in systematic theology and systematic religious studies.

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What we expect from you

  • you should have a Master’s degree or similar qualifications in a discipline related to the research project (alternatively, the date on which you obtain your degree must have been officially fixed);
  • you are expected to complete a dissertation within the period of the contract (in either Dutch or English);
  • you are result-oriented and have excellent writing skills;
  • you have demonstrable research experience in the field of the research project;
  • your competences as a PhD candidate are: conceptual capacity, presentation, planning and organisation, monitoring;
  • you are also expected to participate in research seminars of the Research Institute and in the organization of research seminars and conferences.

What we have to offer

We offer you:

  • a maximum gross monthly salary of € 2.638 based on a 38-hour working week (salary scale P);
  • in addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus;
  • the gross starting salary amounts to € 2,042 per month based on full-time employment, and will increase to € 2,612 per month in the fourth year, based on a 38-hour working week;
  • duration of the contract: 3,5 years;
  • you will be appointed for an initial period of 18 months, after which your performance will be evaluated. If this evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended to the full intended duration;
  • you will be classified as a PhD candidate (promovendus) in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO).

Are you interested in our excellent employment conditions (

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Other Information

The PhD project will start on 1 October 2013. The job interviews are scheduled in week 36.

Would you like to know more?

Further information on: Faculteit der Filosofie, Theology en Religiewetenschappen (

Mr. dr. S.A.J. van Erp, leader of the project

Telephone: +31 24 3611503


Mr. dr. C. Hübenthal, chair systematic religious studies



Are you interested?

Please submit the following:

  • a curriculum vitae, including academic qualifications, grades, a list of publications (if any), and the names and contact details of two referees;
  • a letter explaining your motivation, your interest in the project, and your competence in the research field;
  • a writing sample such as a chapter from your Master’s thesis or a forthcoming or published academic article or presented conference paper;
  • incomplete applications will be declared inadmissable.

It is Radboud University Nijmegen’s policy to only accept applications by e-mail. Please send your application, stating vacancy number 21.04.13 , to via the Apply button below, for the attention of Mr. dr. S.A.J. van Erp, before 9 August 2013.

For more information on the application procedure: 024 3611173

No commercial propositions please.

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