IUMS (International Undergraduate Merit Scholarships) is planned for international students who study for their first degree at Newcastle University. This biased scholarship has a value of £1,500 for the first year of study. Qualified applicants will be considered based on the information given on their UCAS application form.
Eligibility for International Undergraduate Merit Scholarships
International students must have:
- applied through UCAS by 30 April and been offered a place to study on one of our degree programmes for 2016/17 entry,
- been assessed as overseas for fees purposes,
- already achieved or will achieve an agreed level of academic performance in their pre-university qualifications,
- already accepted or will accept Newcastle University as their first choice university.
Important information
- In any academic year, a student may hold only one central merit scholarship or discount award funded, wholly or partially, by the University and administered by the Student Financial Support Team. A student cannot hold an IUMS and a country specific scholarship at the same time. If a student is offered more than one central university merit award, the one most appropriate to the student’s circumstances will be selected by the University. The International Family Discount, School or Faculty awards may be held in conjunction with central university merit awards.
- Applicants on the INTO Foundation Programme, who are in receipt of a full 100% Newcastle University Foundation Scholarship, are not eligible to receive an IUMS. Students on the INTO Diploma program are not eligible for the International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship.
- Applicants applying through Clearing are not eligible for IUMS awards. Applicants applying through UCAS EXTRA will be considered for IUMS awards as long as their Extra degree choice is added by 30 April.
- Applicants for the MB BS and BDS courses are not eligible to receive IUMS awards.
How to Apply for International Undergraduate Merit Scholarships
Interested student should send the application by e-mail or post to:
Financial Support Team (Student Wellbeing)
Newcastle University
King's Gate
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5537 / 5538 / 8107
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