Value of Scholarship
Austrian Government Scholarship:Ernst Mach Follow-up Grant
The Ernst Mach Follow-up Grant/Scholarship is for students from
developing countries only and is provided by OeAD-GmbH/ICM on behalf of and financed by the Federal Ministry of Science in Australia,
Research and Economics
The Ernst Mach Follow-up Grant is a follow up grant for PhD students conducting research in the following areas:
Natural Sciences
Technical Sciences
Human Medicine, Health Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Social Sciences
Essentially the scholarships postdocs who are pursuing research or teaching at a higher education institution /university and who were in receipt of a grant in Austria which was administered by the OeAD-GmbH (formerly ÖAD).
What Does the Scholarship include?
1) Monthly grant rate: 1,040 EUR
2) Accident and health insurance
If necessary, the OeAD-GmbH will take out an accident and health insurance on behalf
of the grant recipient.
3) Accommodation
The OeAD-GmbH will endeavour to provide accommodation (student hall of residence
or flat) for recipients of grants who wish to get accommodation arranged by the OeAD.
Monthly costs: 220 to 470 EUR (depending on how much comfort the recipients of
grants want). An administration fee of 18 EUR per month is payable to the OeAD-GmbH
for arranging accommodation. The costs for insurance and accommodation have to be
paid out of the grant by the recipient of the grant.
4) Scholarship holders will receive a travel costs subsidy of 1.000 EUR maximum upon
presentation of original documents. Travels costs to Austrian representatives outside
the home country are refundable upon presentation of original documents
For More information and application Form
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