Why Do I Need a Foreign Degree, Does That Make Sense?
Having a foreign degree makes a lot of sense when you consider the following;
Firstly it teaches you skills that will make your resume/curriculum vitae stand out from the crowd.
When you get a degree abroad, you are willingly immersing yourself in a foreign environment, outside of your comfort zone.
You learn to adapt to a foreign culture, language, and negotiable relationships with people from many different cultural background.
Communication skills are essential if you intend to work in the international job market.
Prospective employers are more likely to see a person who is well- rounded, who can view things on a global level and understand the nuances of interacting with a diverse global audience.
Therefore, having a foreign degree makes you more attractive to prospective employers.

Foreign schools are seen as a higher standard in various fields and as such makes you superior academically and financially (pay wise) amongst your peers.
Not only does a foreign degree help you get a job easily, they enhances your chances of learning a foreign language thus making your job secure because mastering several languages is not just about words; it is also about an underlying cultural understanding that is particularly sought for in today’s work place.
There is no better way to understand a foreign colleagues business expectations than by understanding his language and culture.
Infact it is necessary to know a second language to have an edge over your peers in the 21st century.
The quest for foreign degree increases the opportunity for networking with likeminded people from various cultures, it also builds opportunities to build an international career.
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