2016-12-15 21:02:36
If you are ever having a second thought on why you need to study in Canada, this might be another reason to take your options seriously. Queens University have a laundry list of bursaries virtually for everyone including bursaries for International students: The ACC Bursary Established from the partial proceeds of the Queen’s ACC long distance discount program. Awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in any faculty or school at Queen’s University. Applied Science 2003 ThankQ Bursary Established in October 2005 by members of the Class of Applied Science and awarded on the basis of financial need to fourth year students in the Faculty of Applied Science. ATF Bursaries for the Disabled Through contributions from student activity fees from 1989-1993 the Accessibility Task Force has established bursaries for undergraduate disabled students. To be eligible for this assistance, students must be registered with the Special Needs Office and have completed an application form. The selection committee is made up of the Coordinator of the Special Needs Office, the AMS Vice-President (University Affairs), the Chair of the AMS Accessibility Task Force, and the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards). AMS Sesquicentennial Bursaries Established in 1990 by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University. Awarded to students in any faculty or school with preference given to single parents with day care expenses. Douglas Gould Anglin Memorial Bursary Founded by Mrs. D.G. Anglin of Montreal, and awarded to a promising male student in the first year of Applied Science who is in financial difficulty. The Applied Science 1997 Bursary Established by the Class of Science 1997 as their graduating gift to the Faculty of Applied Science at Queen’s University. Awarded on the basis of financial need to one upper year student enrolled in the Faculty of Applied Science whose contribution to extra-curricular activities or community service exemplifies the Queen’s Engineering Society motto of “Renowned Spirit Unrivalled Excellence”. The Applied Science ’99 Award Established by the Applied Science class of 1999, with donations to the ThankQ ’99 Class Gift Campaign. Awarded to a full-time second, third or fourth year student in the Faculty of Applied Science on the basis of financial need and involvement in extracurricular activities that could include employment with a Queen’s organization. Joan Louise (Crozier) Arkett Bursary Established in November 2004 by Douglas Arkett, B.Sc. 1949, and awarded to full and part-time undergraduate and graduate mature women students studying at Queen’s University based on financial need for direct academic expenses or unbudgeted expenses and emergencies. Applications are available from the Ban Righ Centre and should be submitted to the Ban Righ Centre. Selection will be made by the Bursary Committee of the Ban Righ Foundation for Continuing University Education. The Athletic Student Bursary Established in January 2005 and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to second-, third-, or fourth year student athletes enrolled in any program of studies. The bursary will be administered in compliance with CIA and OUA regulations. Babcock & Wilcox Bursary in Mechanical Engineering Established by Babcock & Wilcox and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student entering the third or fourth year of the Mechanical Engineering program. The Anna Jean and Ross Baker Bursary Established from a bequest by Edward Ross Baker in memory of his mother, Anna Jean Baker, and awarded to a student in any Faculty or School at Queen’s University on the basis of satisfactory academic standing and financial need. The Reginald Barker Memorial Award Established by family and friends in memory of Reginald Donald Barker, B.A. ’38. Reg Barker was a gifted athlete and WWII hero who demonstrated leadership on the football field and bravery and self-sacrifice in action. Awarded to a second, third, or fourth year student enrolled full-time in any four year program. The candidate must be a member of the intercollegiate football program, demonstrate financial need, and exhibit leadership qualities. The E. Stanley and Nadine M. Beacock Bursary Established by E. Stanley Beacock, Arts 1942, and Nadine M. Beacock and awarded on the basis of financial need to an undergraduate student in any faculty or school. Bechtel Canada Limited Bursaries Awarded on the basis of need to a student in the Faculty of Applied Science with preference given to those in upper years. The Shirley Bell Award Established from the estate of Shirley Bell and donations from her husband, Eric C. Bell, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic merit to a student in the Faculty of Arts and Science with a concentration in Mathematics and Statistics or to a student in the Math and Engineering program in the Faculty of Applied Science. The Hugh and Bernie Bedore Bursary Established by the family of Hugh and Bernie Bedore, whose family business close to Queen’s was of Approximate Valued service to the Queen’s community. Awarded to a student on the basis of financial need. Preference will be given to a student who has had experience or involvement in the retail industry. The Agnes Benidickson Bursary Established by the Alma Mater Society and named in honour of the Chancellor Emeritus, Agnes Benidickson. Funds have been donated by students through their Student Activity Fees and raised through Project Millennium. Awarded to an undergraduate student in financial need in any year of any faculty or school at Queen’s University. The James A. (Jim) Bennett Memorial Award Established in November 2000 in memory of James Alfred (Jim) Bennett, B.Sc. (Eng) 1958, M.Sc. (Eng) 1960, Ph.D 1965 Philosophy (Univ. of Michigan), by his family, friends, students, colleagues, and the Rotary Clubs of Kingston. Awarded annually to a student who is in the fourth year of an Applied Science undergraduate degree program and in financial need. The award will honour Dr. Bennett’s memory by recognizing a student’s service to the Kingston community and his or her leadership/example at Queen’s University while maintaining at least 65% on the work of his or her program. The Berkley Petroleum Corp. National Awards Established in May 2002 by Michael L. Rose, B.Sc. (Hon.) (Geology) ‘79, and Susan Riddell Rose, B.Sc. (Hon.) (Geological Engineering) ‘86. Awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to full-time student(s) in the second-, third-, and fourth-year of an undergraduate program in either the Faculty of Arts and Science or the Faculty of Applied Science. Preference will be given to students with a concentration in Geological Science or Geological Engineering and to students from outside the Province of Ontario. The awards may go to graduate students if there are no eligible undergraduate students. H. Graham Bertram Foundation Bursaries Established by the H.G. Bertram Foundation in memory of H. Graham Bertram, B.Sc. 1910, HLL.D. 1948, and awarded to students in any year of studies in the Faculty of Applied Science at Queen’s University with preference given to those who received the greater portion of their public and secondary education in schools of the Town of Dundas or the surrounding area. The Board of Trustees Bursary Established through donations by the Board of Trustees of Queen’s University and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in any faculty or school at Queen’s University. The Patricia Bogstad Bursary Established by colleagues and friends on the occasion of Patricia Bogstad’s retirement from Queen’s University to honour her many years of valued service. Awarded on the basis of financial need to an undergraduate student in any faculty or school. The William James Bracken Memorial Award Established in memory of William James Bracken, B.Sc.Eng. 1948 (Civil Engineering), by his family, and awarded to a second, third, or fourth year student in Civil Engineering on the basis of sound academic standing and financial need. Application should be made to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) by 31 October. E.C. Brake Bursary in Electrical Engineering Established from a bequest from Mr. Eric C. Brake, B.Sc. ‘28, and awarded annually on the basis of academic standing and financial need to students in the third or fourth years of electrical engineering. The Arthur L. Brebner Memorial Award Established by friends and family in memory of Dr. Arthur L. Brebner, who was a professor of Civil Engineering from 1957 to 1988 and department head from 1965 to 1975. Awarded on the basis of financial need and a satisfactory academic record to a student in any year in Civil Engineering. The Brison Family Awards Established by John W. Brison, B.Sc. 1948, M.Sc. 1950, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic excellence to students registered in any year in the Faculties of Applied Science and/or Health Sciences. Robert Bruce Bursaries Given under terms of the will of Robert Bruce of Quebec. Awarded on basis of ability and need to students in third or later year in any faculty. The Harry R. Buckles Memorial Bursary Established by relatives and friends in memory of Harry R. Buckles, B.Sc. ’34. Awarded on the basis of need to students of promising ability in the Department of Mining Engineering. Bursary for Studies in Africa Established from some of the contributions made by students to the discontinued South African Education Trust Fund and awarded on the basis of financial need to Queen’s students planning to study in Sub-Saharan Africa on a study abroad program. A letter of application, outlining the reasons for wanting to study in Africa, should be forwarded to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) at least two months prior to the beginning of the study term. Selection of the candidate will be made by a committee which includes the Director of the International Centre and a representative from the Student Awards Office. The Cairncross Bursary in Civil Engineering Established by Alex T. Cairncross, B.Sc. ‘31, in memory of his wife Dr. Helen Cairncross and awarded to Canadian citizens and permanent residents in Civil Engineering on the basis of need. Selection will be made in consultation with the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering. The Caldwell Bursary Established in November 2003 by Gregor Caldwell, B.Com. 1964, and awarded on the basis of financial need to full-time students in the second, third, or fourth year in any faculty or school at Queen’s University. The Campbell Memorial Bursaries Established by the children of Milton Neil Campbell and Hazel May Campbell (Dixon). Awarded on the basis of financial need with preference given to students from Saskatchewan. The Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering Bursary Established by the organizers of the 1996 Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference in Kingston. Awarded on the basis of financial need and satisfactory academic standing to a student in Chemical Engineering or Engineering Chemistry who has contributed to student-organized professionally-oriented activities at Queen’s. The Canadian Union of Public Employees 1302 Bursary Established in April 2004 by Local 1302 of C.U.P.E. and awarded to an undergraduate student(s) in any program of studies at Queen’s University on the basis of demonstrated financial need. The bursary will be granted in the following order of priority: (1) relatives of full-time and/or part-time local 1302 members currently employed at Queen’s University; or (2) former members of local 1302; or (3) any undergraduate student in any program at Queen’s University. CANEX Student Exchange Program Awards Established by a bequest from Kathleen Ryan, B.A. 1926, and awarded automatically on the basis of financial need to the most academically qualified student attending each University in the Group of Ten Student Exchange Program. The Caribbean Student’s Association Bursary Established by The Caribbean Student’s Association (CARIBSA) and awarded on the basis of financial need to a Caribbean student who is registered in at least 3.0 credits. Preference will be given to students who are members of the Caribbean Student’s Association (CARIBSA). The Senator Frank Carrel Bursaries Several bursaries are awarded annually on the basis of deemed need to students enrolled in any year in any program. Restricted to students domiciled in Quebec prior to enrolment at Queen’s. The Cartwright-Duncan Trust Bursary Established by a bequest from the estate of Kenneth Abdul Rouff in memory of Lewis Duncan, Q.C. and Henry Cartwright and awarded on the basis of financial need to an aboriginal student in any faculty or school at Queen’s University. The David F. and Sylvia L. Cassillis Award Established from the estate of David Fleming Drummond Kennedy Cassillis and awarded to student(s) in any faculty or school on the basis of financial need, academic standing, and involvement in extra-curricular activities. The Chaplain’s Bursary Established from funds donated by the Toronto Alumni Branch and friends and awarded on the basis of financial need to an Ontario resident registered in any faculty or school at Queen’s University. Application should be made to the University Chaplain. Selection will be made in consultation with the Student Awards Office. Chemical Engineering Alumni Bursary Awarded on the basis of financial need to a student registered in the Chemical Engineering program. Child Care Bursary Established in March 2007 and awarded on the basis of financial need to full-time or part-time students in any Faculty or School at Queen's University to assist with child care expenses. Application should be made to the Associate University Registrar, Student Awards, by 31 October. Emergency assistance for this purpose will be granted on an individual basis. Value: variable The Stephen Cogan Memorial Award in Mining Engineering Established in memory of Stephen Cogan, Science ‘85, by his friends and classmates and awarded to a student entering the third year of the Mining Engineering program. This award will be made to a student on the basis of financial need and satisfactory academic accomplishment. Preference will be given to applicants who have made positive contributions to student and professional activities, including intramural sports, during their attendance at Queen’s University. Selection will be made in consultation with the Head of the Department. The A.V. Corlett Memorial Bursary Established by former students of Professor A.V. Corlett who for many years was Head of the Department of Mining Engineering at Queen’s. Awarded on the basis of promising ability and financial need. COTC Bursaries Awarded on the basis of need to upper year students. The Nathan Richard Cowan Memorial Award Established by family, friends, the Faculty of Applied Science and the Department of Economics in memory of a remarkable individual, Nathan Cowan (1977-2002), B.Sc./B.A. (Economics) 2002. Awarded on the basis of financial need to second, third, or fourth year students enrolled in the Faculty of Applied Science or the Department of Economics. Awarded normally in even-numbered years to students enrolled in the Faculty of Applied Science, and in odd-numbered years to students enrolled in the Department of Economics in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Candidates will be student athletes with preference given to a member of the Queen’s University Sailing Team, who may demonstrate aspirations to participate at a higher level of competition. The award will be administered in compliance with all O.U.A. and C.I.S. regulations for athletic awards. The Martha J. Crane Bursary Established in March 2001 by Martha J. Crane, B.A. (Hon.) 1976, B.Ed. 1977, and awarded on the basis of financial need to an undergraduate student in any faculty or school. Preference will be given to a student from Elmira District Secondary School or from a high school in the Kitchener/Waterloo area. The Olive Zeron David Bursaries Established by a bequest from Olive Beatrice David, B.A. 1926, and awarded on the basis of financial need to women students. The Department of Chemistry Bursary Awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in the second, third or fourth year of the Honours Chemistry program in the Faculty of Arts and Science or the Engineering Chemistry program in the Faculty of Applied Science. The Elwin and Beverley Derbyshire Award Established by Elwin Derbyshire, B.Sc. 1965, and Beverley Derbyshire. Awarded to students enrolled full-time in any four-year program on the basis of financial need, academic ability, proven leadership qualities, evidence of an entrepreneurial spirit, and involvement in the inter-collegiate hockey program. The A. Ephraim Diamond Awards Established by Mr. A. Ephraim Diamond, B.Sc. (Eng.) 1943 and awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students on the basis of financial need, satisfactory academic performance, leadership qualities, and involvement in extra-curricular activities. The Disabled Students’ Bursaries Established by the Alma Mater Society and Arts and Science ’82 to assist disabled students attending Queen’s University. Awarded on the basis of need. A. Vibert Douglas Bursaries Established by friends and colleagues of A. Vibert Douglas, LL.D., Dean of Women from 1939 to 1959 and a pioneer in the teaching of astrophysics. Awarded on the basis of need to students in any Faculty or School, with preference given to women students. The W. John Evert Bursary in Civil Engineering Established by W. John Evert to provide financial support for a deserving Civil Engineering student in need. Exchange Study Bursaries Awarded to undergraduate students participating in an official exchange program on the basis of financial need. Application forms are available from the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) and should be submitted two months prior to the beginning of the study period. The Faculty of Applied Science Upper Year Bursary Established by the Faculty of Applied Science and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student entering second, third or fourth year in the Faculty of Applied Science. The John Farnham Memorial Bursary Established by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University from a bequest from John Farnham, B.Sc. ‘66, M.B.A. ‘68, contributions from colleagues at Towers Perrin, family and friends. Awarded to a student in financial need who has demonstrated leadership in student government. The Douglas Fretts Bursary Awarded on the basis of satisfactory academic standing and need to an upper year student in the Faculty of Applied Science. The Robert W. Fuller Award in Civil Engineering Established by the family in memory of Robert W. Fuller, B.Sc. 1946, and awarded to students in second year in the Department of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, and demonstrated leadership ability in school, community and/or other extracurricular activities. General Bursary – OSOTF Established from donations and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any year in any faculty or school at Queen’s University. Wesley and Margaret Gerow Bursary Founded by Mr. Stanley Gerow in memory of his parents and awarded to a second, third or fourth year engineering student from Prince Edward, Northumberland or Hasting Counties. Awarded on the basis of academic proficiency and financial need. If there is no suitable engineering candidate the award can be given to any student from one of these counties. In the absence of a suitable candidate from this group, the award may be given to any Applied Science student. The R. David Ghent Bursary Established by family and friends in memory of R. David Ghent, B.Sc. ’84. Awarded on the basis of financial need to an undergraduate student in Mining Engineering. Preference will be given first to a student who is a member of one of the Queen’s ski teams, and second to a student involved in other athletic activities. In the event there is no qualified student in the Mining Engineering Department, the bursary may be awarded to a student in another program in the Faculty of Applied Science. The David A. Gillies and Jessie Herchmer Gillies Bursaries Awarded on the basis of academic proficiency and financial need with preference given to upper-year students. The Johanna M. Goldthorpe Memorial Bursary Established by family and friends in memory of Johanna M. Goldthorpe, B.Sc. (Hon.) ’91 and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in the third or fourth year in the Department of Geological Sciences at Queen’s University. Preference will be given to a woman and to a student specializing in Mineral Exploration. Lin Good Bursary Established by colleagues and friends of Lin Good on the occasion of her retirement from Queen’s University where she served as a librarian from 1959 to 1986 in a number of positions, including those of Associate Librarian and Acting Chief Librarian. Awarded to students in any faculty or school who are in need of financial assistance. The Donald Gordon Memorial Award Established in memory of Donald Gordon, a Canadian leader in business and government. Awarded annually to upper year students enrolled in any undergraduate program in Applied Science, Arts and Science or Business on the basis of financial need, reasonable academic distinction, demonstrated breadth of ability in and commitment to a field outside their program of studies and commitment to service to their community and the nation. The James Robert Grasse Award in Civil Engineering Established in November 2002 from the estate of James Robert Grasse, B.Sc. 1961, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to a student in the second year in the Department of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science. The award is renewable in the third and fourth year provided the recipient maintains a 65% average each year and financial need remains evident. The Karen V. Gunn Bursary Established in April 2004 by Karen V. Gunn, B.Ed. 1983, and awarded on the basis of financial need to second-, third-, or fourth-year students in any program at Queen’s University. The Adelaide Haggart Bursaries Established from a bequest by Adelaide E. (Haggart) Robinson and awarded to a student in any faculty or school on the basis of financial need. The Halsall Award Established by Halsall Associates Limited (Consulting Engineers) to provide financial assistance to a student in need who has completed the third year of the Civil Engineering program and who exhibits a high level of interest and academic achievement in civil engineering applied to buildings, as well as significant contribution to community and/or student activities. The relevant course content would include structures, materials and building science. Awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Civil Engineering. Application should be made to the Student Awards Office by 31 October and selection will be in consultation with the Head of the Department. The John Miles Hamilton Bursary Established by the family of the late John Miles Hamilton, (Comm. ‘41 Queen’s; M.B.A. Harvard). Awarded to students in any undergraduate faculty or school who are in need of financial assistance. The Monsignor J.G. Hanley Memorial Bursary Established by the Kingston Newman Alumni in memory of Monsignor J.G. Hanley and awarded to an upper year undergraduate student in financial need. The Qamar Jehan Hassan Bursary Established in May 2002 by Wasim Hassan, B.Sc. ‘68 (Applied Science) in memory of his mother, Qamar Jehan Hassan, and awarded on the basis of financial need to full-time female students in their third or fourth year of studies in the Faculty of Applied Science or the School of Medicine. The Sadako and Michio Hayashi Award Named in honour of Sadako and Michio Hayashi, this award has been established to provide financial assistance to full-time students in financial need who maintain a satisfactory academic standing, and are registered in the Faculty of Applied Science. The George M. Hood (Sci ‘43) Bursary Established by Debbie and George N. Hood (Arts ‘78) in memory of George M. Hood (B.Sc. 1943). Awarded on the basis of financial need to second-, third-, or fourth-year students enrolled in any program of studies, with preference to students enrolled in Applied Science. Candidates will be participating members of the inter-collegiate ice-hockey program at Queen’s University. The bursary will be available to either male or female student-athletes in alternating years. If in a given year there is no recipient from the eligible applicants on the basis of gender then the award may be granted to a qualified applicant from the opposite gender. The bursary will be administered in compliance with CIS and OUA regulations. The Harold Howes Memorial Award Established by family and friends in memory of Harold Howes, B.Sc. (Engineering) 1950, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic excellence to a student in any year of the Mechanical Engineering program. Preference will be given to a student from Northern Ontario (north of Parry Sound). The Celesta Hibbert Hunter Bursary Awarded on the basis of need to a resident of the United States, registered in an undergraduate degree program. International Affairs Association Bursary The Reg and Mabel Instant Established by the International Affairs Association of Queen’s University and awarded to a member of the International Affairs Association on the basis of financial need to help defray costs associated with attending educational conferences supported by the Association. Application, along with a letter of support from the Association, should be submitted to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) prior to 15 January. The Reg and Mabel Instant Bursary Established under the terms of the will of Jack Instant in memory of his parents, Reg Instant, B.A. 1895, and Mabel Edna Instant, and awarded to one or more students in Mining Engineering in financial need. Khaki University and Y.M.C.A. Scholarship The capital which provides the interest for payment of this scholarship is part of a sum left from the Khaki University, which was divided among the Canadian universities. Awarded on basis of need and ability; any year, any faculty; preference given to veterans or their children. The Alice Kingdon Bursaries Established by Mrs. Alice Kingdon of Brantford, Ontario. Awarded to students in any undergraduate faculty or school who are in need of financial assistance. The Padre and Frances Laverty Bursary Established in October 2003 by family, friends, colleagues and other members of the Queen’s family in recognition of the Lavertys’ dedication and contribution to the University. Awarded on the basis of financial need to third or fourth year students in any faculty or school at Queen’s University. Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated involvement in campus life and extracurricular activities. Larry J. Lavigne Memorial Bursary Established by his wife, relatives and friends in memory of Larry J. Lavigne, B.Sc. ’71. Open to students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The Victor Gok Leung Lee Memorial Award Established by Marguerite Lee in memory of her brother, Victor Gok Leung Lee, son of Peter and You Sung Lee. Awarded on the basis of financial need and academic excellence to an upper year, full-time, Canadian student in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Applied Science or in a Biological Science program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. The Claire L. Leggett International Study Award Established by Claire Leggett and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to undergraduate students studying on a formal Queen’s Exchange or studying at the International Study Centre. Students studying at the International Study Centre apply on the ISC Bursary application form available from the Student Awards Office. Students participating in a Queen’s official exchange program will complete the Exchange Bursary application and will submit the form to their Faculty office along with their application for the exchange. The Leiden University Awards Established by Marianne van Silfhout, alumna of Leiden University in the Netherlands, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic excellence to students who wish to participate in an exchange program, or wish to pursue their studies or do research, at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Application should be made to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) at least two months prior to the beginning of the study period. The Silvia Light Bursary in Mechanical and Materials Engineering Established by family and friends in memory of Silvia Light, B.Sc. ‘89. Awarded on the basis of financial need and satisfactory academic performance to a woman in Mechanical Engineering with preference given to a student registered in second year. T.V. (Tim) Lord Bursary in Mechanical Engineering Established in 1996-97 by the late Robert A. Elliott, Science ‘41 and other former students of Professor Lord who was Head of the Metallurgical Engineering Department from 1938 to 1959. Awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in the Materials Option, Mechanical Engineering. The Norman C. Loveland Award Established by Norman C. Loveland, B.Sc. (Eng) 1965, and awarded to a first, second, or third year student registered in any program in the Faculty of Applied Science, on the basis of financial need and satisfactory academic record. The Rolf Lund Award Established by friends and colleagues and awarded to a full-time upper year student on the basis of financial need and at least a B standing, who has completed a minimum of one full year with the Track and Field and/or Cross Country team. A general bursary application, along with two letters of reference, should be submitted to the Student Awards Office by 31 October. Selection will be made in consultation with the Queen’s track Booster Club. The Ian Joseph MacDonald Bursary in Mechanical Engineering Established in April 2002 in memory of Dr. Ian J. MacDonald, Sc.‘54, and awarded to a second year student in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering on the basis of financial need. Dr. James Brown MacDougall Bursaries Awarded on the basis of need to upper year undergraduate students. The Donald deFrayne Macintosh Bursary Established in memory of Dr. Donald deFrayne Macintosh, Director of the School of Physical and Health Education from 1965 to 1984 and professor until his death in 1994. Awarded to a third or fourth year student on the basis of financial need and contribution to leadership in student government, athletics/recreation, or as a volunteer in the community. The J. Gordon MacKay Bursary Established by John G. MacKay in memory of his father, J. Gordon MacKay, and awarded to a student in any faculty or school on the basis of financial need. The Sherry Mackey Memorial Bursary Established in April 2007 by Carol Miernicki Steeg and Evan W. Steeg in memory of Sherry Mackey. Awarded on the basis of financial need to a mature female student who is taking at least 3.0 credits in any undergraduate year or program of studies, and who has been out of formal education for a period of three or more years prior to her return to Queen's University. Applications are available from the Ban Righ Centre and should be submittede to the Ban Righ Centre. Selection will be made by the Bursary Committee of the Ban Righ Centre. Value: variable The MacRae Bursaries Established by Isabella MacRae of Saginaw, Michigan. Awarded on the basis of merit and need to male undergraduate students in any faculty or school. The A.E. MacRae Bursaries Established in memory of the late A.E. McRae of Ottawa. Awarded to students in any undergraduate faculty or school on the basis of need. The Robert and Bella Martin Award Established in December 2001 by Mr. R.J. Martin, B.A. 1948, M.Ed. 1960 (Toronto) and his wife, Mrs. Ismay Martin, in memory of Mr. Martin’s parents, Robert and Bella Martin. Awarded at the discretion of the Bursary Committee to a student with at least second year standing in any faculty or school at Queen’s University on the basis of financial need and demonstrated appreciation of the English language as exemplified by activities such as community service to Queen’s libraries or local public libraries promoting reading, stories, or library services to young people, submissions to papers/journals, involvement in Queen’s newspapers, or participation in debating teams at either intramural or university level. Preference will be given to students from rural and remote areas of Canada. The Michael Craig Matangi Memorial Bursary Established in February 2004 in memory of Michael (Mike) Craig Matangi by his parents and siblings, and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in the fourth year of the Mechanical Engineering program in the Faculty of Applied Science at Queen’s University. The Helen Mathers Bursary Established in honour of Helen Mathers on the occasion of her retirement as Director of the Ban Righ Foundation for Continuing University Education at Queen’s University. Awarded to women entering University for the first time who are 21 years old and are enrolled as full- or part-time students in any faculty or school at Queen’s and who demonstrate financial need. The Reverend Dr. Alexander Dawson Matheson Award Established by John Matheson in memory of The Reverend Dr. Alexander Dawson Matheson, B.D., M.A. (Queen’s), D.D. (McGill), and awarded to an undergraduate student in any faculty or school on the basis of financial need. The Wilhelmina McArthur-Humphries Bursaries Established by Wilhelmina McArthur-Humphries, B.A., 1918. Four bursaries are awarded on the basis of merit and need to candidates for admission to an undergraduate program whose permanent place of residence is in Wellington or Lanark County. Two bursaries are offered to students from Wellington County and two bursaries are offered to students from Lanark County. The bursaries may be renewed for up to four years provided a 65 percent average is maintained and may be held in any undergraduate Faculty or School. If in any year there are not sufficient entrance candidates to use up the income, the award may be given to an eligible upper-year candidate from Wellington or Lanark Counties. The Joseph N. McCarey Memorial Award in Mechanical Engineering Established in December 2001 by Mrs. Myrtle Colden McCarey and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to full-time students in the second, third, or fourth year in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. Preference will be given to students from the greater Quinte area. The Bruce Gordon McIver Memorial Bursary Established in memory of Bruce Gordon McIver, B.Sc. (Eng) 1940 by William Loosley, B.Sc.(Eng) 1939, and awarded on the basis of financial need to a second year student in the Faculty of Applied Science. Robert Malcolm McKenzie Bursary in Electrical Engineering Established in memory of Robert Malcolm McKenzie (Sc.‘12) and awarded annually on the basis of need to an Electrical Engineering student who is a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant with a sound academic record and is active in extra-curricular activities and athletics. The Kenneth H. McKibbin Bursary Established by Brigadier General Kenneth H. McKibbin, Sc. 1938, and awarded to a student in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering on the basis of financial need. The William S. McMath Award in Applied Science Established by the McMath family in memory of Dr. William S. McMath, B.Sc. (Eng) 1965, and awarded to a student registered in second year in the Faculty of Applied Science, on the basis of financial need and strong participation in extracurricular activities. The Simon McNally Bursary in Civil Engineering Established in memory of Simon McNally, founder of Simon McNally and Sons Limited Construction Company. Awarded on the basis of need, scholarship and evidence of construction experience and practical background. The applicant must be a Canadian citizen, registered in Civil Engineering, and have successfully completed the first two years of Civil Engineering. In addition, the student must submit a brief report to the Department of Civil Engineering describing his/her construction experience. The award will be made in the fall term of the third year. The Helen Talcott Medhurst Award To be awarded to a female student, preferably from Prince Edward County, Ontario, who gives evidence of outstanding academic achievement and leadership, and is in need of financial assistance. The James Medves Award in Chemical Engineering Established by family and friends in memory of James Medves, B.Sc. 1953, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to students in the third year of the Chemical Engineering program in the Faculty of Applied Science. Candidates should demonstrate involvement in intramural competitive clubs or recreational club activities, and/or community or volunteer activities. The Lawrence B. Merrell Award Established by a bequest from the estate of Yvette Merrell. Awarded on the basis of financial need to students in second, third or fourth year of Mining Engineering or Geological Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science. Preference will be given to students who have expressed interest in exploration or mine development. The Metis Awards Established by the Metis Nation of Ontario through the Metis Training Initiatives and awarded on the basis of financial need to a Metis student registered in any year in any faculty or school at Queen’s University. Application, along with a Metis verification form, should be submitted to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) by 31 October. Selection will be made in consultation with the Metis Nation of Ontario. The Caroline Mitchell Bursary Established in March 2001 by the Canadian Federation of University Women, Kingston Club, in memory of Caroline Mitchell, B.A. 1926, a founding member of the C.F.U.W. Kingston Club. Awarded to mature female full- or part-time students in any faculty or school on the basis of financial need. O.M. Montgomery Awards Established by Alcan Aluminum Ltd. in memory of Mr. O.M. Montgomery who graduated from Queen’s University in Electrical Engineering in 1905. Three awards are given on the basis of academic standing and need; One to a student entering first year and two to upper year students. Preference will be given to children of Alcan employees. Application forms may be obtained from the Office of the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards). Completed applications for entering students must be returned 15 March. The Alison and I.G. Morgan Bursary Established to honour the retirement of Alison and I.G. Morgan from Queen’s, and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in any year of any program. The C. Bruce Murphy Award in Applied Science Established by Donald Murphy in memory of his father, C. Bruce Murphy, B.Sc. (Eng) 1928, and awarded to a second, third or fourth year student in the Faculty of Applied Science on the basis of financial need and sound academic standing. The Winton and Elizabeth Newman Bursary in Mining Engineering Established by Melissa Smith, in memory of her parents Winton, B.Sc. 1954 and Elizabeth Newman, and awarded on the basis of financial need to a full-time student in Mining Engineering. The Bursary will be granted in the following order of preference: (1) to a female mining engineering student in second or third year; (2) any mining engineering student in second or third year. Application should be made to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) by October 31. The John Greer Nicholson ISC Award Awarded on the basis of financial need to a student studying at the International Study Centre. Applications are available from the Student Awards Office and must be submitted to the Awards Office two months prior to the beginning of the study term. The Nortel Networks Upper Year Awards Established by Nortel Networks and Queen’s University and awarded to students in years two, three and four enrolled in ATOP eligible programs in the Faculty of Applied Science and the Faculty of Arts and Science on the basis of superior academic performance and financial need. Sixteen awards are available: 10 awards in Applied Science and 6 awards in Arts and Science. Doris Noftall Bursary Established in November 2005 by Doris Noftall, and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any Faculty or School at Queen’s University. Preference will be given to Aboriginal students . The Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club Bursary Established by the Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club and awarded to an undergraduate student on the basis of financial need. The Fred Parcher Bursary in Applied Science Established by Fred Parcher, B.Sc.(Eng.) 1951, and awarded on the basis of financial need to one or more students in any year of the Faculty of Applied Science. The Fred and Kay Parcher Bursary in Applied Science Established by Fred Parcher, B.Sc. (Eng) 1951 and Kay Parcher and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in any year of the Faculty of Applied Science. The Parents’ Bursary Established from donations made by parents of Queen’s University students and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any faculty or school at Queen’s. The M.R. Parrish and M.A. (Henry) Parrish and Family Award Established by A. Ralph Parrish in memory of his parents, M.R. Parrish and M.A. (Henry) Parrish, and awarded to a full-time students in the Faculty of Arts and Science or the Faculty of Applied Science on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, and involvement in extracurricular activities, preferably volunteer work for humanitarian causes. Preference will be given to students participating in a Queen’s University international exchange or studying at the International Study Centre. Applications are available from the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) and should be submitted two months prior to the beginning of the study term. The Frederic H. Peters Bursary Established by Frederic H. Peters, B.A. 1974, and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in any faculty or school. The Physics Department Award Established by friends and alumni of the Physics Department. Awarded on the basis of financial need and academic excellence to a student registered in either the Engineering Physics program or in an upper year of a B.Sc. (Honours) program with a concentration in Physics. Selection will be made in consultation with the Head of the Department of Physics. The Franklin G.T. Pickard Memorial Bursary Established by CIBC/Wood Gundy in honour of Mr. Franklin G.T. Pickard. This bursary will be awarded annually to students enrolled in any year of the Mining Engineering Program. Preference will be given to students enrolled in the Mine Mechanical option. It is awarded on the basis of financial need, academic excellence, leadership, creativity and extra-curricular activities. Application should be made to the Student Awards Office by 31 October and the decision will be made in consultation with the Head of the Department of Mining Engineering. The Franklin G.T. Pickard Memorial International Award Established by Audrey Pickard, Barbara Pickard and Beverly Pickard in memory of Franklin G.T. Pickard, B.A. 1957, for his forty years of active support and promotion of Queen’s University. Awarded on the basis of financial need and academic excellence to enable Queen’s students to participate in a period of study at the International Study Centre. The Plumley Family Award in Applied Science Established by Kent Plumley, B.Sc. (Chem. Eng.) 1960, LL.B. 1963, and Sandra (Macdonald) Plumley, B.A. 1966, and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in any year of the Faculty of Applied Science. The Plumley Family Award for Football Established by Kent Plumley, B.Sc. (Chem.Eng.) 1960, LL.B. 1963, and Sandra Macdonald Plumley, B.A. 1966. Awarded to second-, third-, or fourth-year students enrolled in any program on the basis of financial need and who play on the Queen’s Golden Gaels Football Team. The maximum amount of each bursary will be according to OUA regulations and will adhere to all other OUA and CISC guidelines for Athletic Awards. The Norma Poole Bursary Established in memory of Norma Poole, B.A. 1977 by her husband R.N. Poole, B.Sc. 1952. Awarded on the basis of need by the Director of the Ban Righ Foundation for Continuing University Education. The Queen’s International Student’s Society Bursary Established in 1993 by the Queen’s International Student’s Society and awarded on the basis of financial need. Preference will be given to an international student. The Queen’s University Staff Association Bursary Awarded on the basis of merit and need to an upper-year student at Queen’s who is a dependent of a member of Queen’s University Staff Association in good standing. The James H. Rattray Memorial Bursaries in Applied Science Established by Major James H. Rattray, M.C. Awarded at the discretion of the Dean of Applied Science on the basis of merit and need. The Rehab Therapy Society Sesquicentennial Bursary Established by the Rehab Therapy Society in 1990, in celebration of Queen’s Sesquicentennial. The bursary is awarded on the basis of financial need to undergraduate and/or graduate students in any faculty who are challenged with a physical disability. The Frederick W. Rice Bursary in Civil Engineering Established by his family in memory of Frederick William Rice of Perth, Ontario, who attended Queen’s Engineering between 1903 and 1906 but did not complete because of financial hardships. Application should be made to the Student Awards Office by 31 October and the decision will be made in consultation with the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering. The Jean Royce Memorial Bursary Established by Frank A. Ritchie, B.Sc.(Eng) 1942, in memory of Jean Royce, B.A.(Gen) 1930, LL.D. 1968, former University Registrar. Awarded on the basis of emergency financial need to a student in the first year program in the Faculty of Applied Science and who is a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. The Kathleen Ryan International Study Centre Awards Established by a bequest from Kathleen Ryan, B.A. 1926, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic excellence to student(s) for study at the International Study Centre. Applications must be submitted to the Student Awards Office two months prior to the beginning of the study term. The Kathleen Ryan International Exchange Bursaries Established by a bequest from Kathleen Ryan, B.A., 1926, and awarded on the basis of financial need to students who participate in an official international exchange. Applications available from the Student Awards Office. Dr. the Honourable David J. Saul International Exchange Awards Established in October 2003 by David J. Saul, B.A. ’69, former Premier and Minister of Finance of Bermuda, and awarded on the basis of financial need and high academic achievement to full-time undergraduate students in any Faculty or School at Queen’s University who wish to study abroad and in doing so experience other learning environments and cultures. The Award will provide support for students to attend any university worldwide where Queen’s has established a formal exchange agreement. Preference will be given to students wishing to study outside North America. Students should complete the “Exchange Bursary” application form available from the Student Awards Office and submit the form to the International Programs Office along with the application for exchange. The Pauline Schubert Bursary A bursary given by the Faculty Women’s Club of Queen’s University in memory of the late Pauline Schubert, a former President of the Faculty Women’s Club, to assist a female student. The Justin Schwieg Memorial Bursary Established in March 2006 by an anonymous donor and awarded on the basis of financial need to second, third, or fourth year students enrolled in any undergraduate program at Queen’s University, with preference to students who are currently playing on the interuniversity football team. Preference to students whose permanent address at the time of admission to Queen’s University was from one of the following counties: K.F.L.A. (Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington) or Leeds and Grenville. The bursary will be administered in compliance with CIS and OUA regulations. Applications should be made to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) by 31 October. Science 1923 Bursary Awarded to an undergraduate student in second or third year in either Chemical or Mechanical Engineering, on the basis of satisfactory academic performance, financial need and participation in a wide range of student activities. Science 1957 Key Bursary Established by members of the Class of Applied Science 1957 and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any year or program of studies in the Faculty of Applied Science. Application should be made to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) by 31 October. Value: variable Science 1963 Ontario Bursary Established in December 2005 by members of the class of Science 1963, and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in second year of any engineering program in the Faculty of Applied Science at Queen’s University. Memorial Bursary Awarded annually to a student or students in any year of the Faculty of Applied Science on the basis of satisfactory academic performance, financial need and participation in a broad range of student activities. The Science 1948 Award Established by the Class of Science 1948 and awarded to upper-year students in the Faculty of Applied Science on the basis of financial need and a sound academic standing. The Science 1954 Bursary Established with funds donated by the members of Science ‘54 and given in appreciation of the efforts of Fred Siemonsen, Science ‘54, and his wife Mary Lou Siemonsen. Awarded to a student in the Faculty of Applied Science in financial need. Science 1963 Bursary Established in October 2006 by members of the class of Science 1963, and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in second year of any engineering program in the Faculty of Applied Science. Application should be made to the Associate University (Student Awards) by 31 October. Value: variable Science 1982 Award in Applied Science Established in April 2007 by members of the class of Science 1982, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to students in any year or program of study in the Faculty of Applied Science. Application should be made to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) by 31 October. Value: variable The Science ’89 Bursary Established by the Class of Science ‘89 and awarded on the basis of financial need to an upper-year student in the Faculty of Applied Science. Science 1995 Bursary in Applied Science Established under the ThankQ Program by the Class of Science ‘95 upon their graduation, and awarded on the basis of financial need to two (2) students in their second, third or fourth year in the Faculty of Applied Science who have been involved in some form of extra-curricular activity (i.e. athletics, part-time employment, school council, etc.) The O.A. Seeber Bursary Established by the Coniagas Group of Mines to honour Orville Alexander (Sandy) Seeber, Arts ’37 for his more than fifty years of service to the mining industry as a consulting geologist. Awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Geological Sciences to a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in the third year of either a B.Sc. program in Geological Engineering or a Honours B.Sc. program with a concentration in Geological Sciences. The award is intended to support a student who has demonstrated aptitude for and an interest in a career in either exploration or production in the Canadian Mining Industry. The Colin Sewards Bursary Established by family and friends in memory of Colin Sewards, B.Sc. ‘88, and awarded on the basis of need to a student(s) in the Faculty of Applied Science. The Samuel Weeburn Small Bursaries Established by Pearl V. Small in memory of her husband, Samuel Weeburn Small, B.Sc. ’25. Awarded on the basis of merit and need to students enrolled in any program in the Faculty of Applied Science or in a program leading to the B.Sc. degree in the Faculty of Arts and Science. The Arthur Smith Bursary in Mechanical Engineering Established by Arthur E. Smith, B.Sc. (Mech. Eng.) 1934, and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in the second, third or fourth year of the Mechanical Engineering program in the Faculty of Applied Science. The Stephen J.R. Smith Bursary Established by Stephen J.R. Smith, B.Sc.(Eng) 1972, M.Sc. (Econ). Awarded to students enrolled either in an Economics program in the Faculty of Arts and Science or in an Electrical Engineering program in the Faculty of Applied Science on the basis of financial need, leadership, and extra-curricular activities. Preference will be given to students who have not received other awards greater than $1,000. Suncor Inc. Employment Equity Bursaries Awarded on the basis of need to students enrolled in Chemical or Mechanical Engineering programs which lead to potential employment opportunities in the petroleum refinery and processing fields. Candidates must also be from one of the designated target groups for employment equity purposes: women; aboriginal people; disabled persons; or persons belonging to a visible minority group. The Sutton Bursaries Established by Gerald D. Sutton, B.Comm. ‘48, M.Comm. ‘49, and Margaret (Scally) Sutton, B.A. ‘48, to be awarded to students in need of financial assistance. The George and Lilian Coleman Taylor Bursary Fund A fund established by George Taylor and Lilian Coleman Taylor provides bursaries for competent but needy students from Leeds County registered in any faculty of the University. The 3M Canada Incorporated Bursaries Four bursaries to be awarded, one to a student in the School of Business, two to students in the Faculty of Applied Science with at least one going to a student majoring in Chemical Engineering, and the fourth to a student in the Faculty of Arts and Science with a major concentration in science. The Russell W. Thompkins Memorial Award in Mining Engineering Established in memory of Russell W. Thompkins, distinguished and admired Emeritus Professor and former Chairman of the Department of Mining Engineering, in recognition of the valued contribution he made to the safety of the uranium mining industry. Awarded on the basis of financial need and overall academic accomplishment to a student in the fourth year of a Mining Engineering program. Preference will be given to students who have made a positive contribution to the Mining Engineering Department and to the University through extracurricular activities. The Fran and Peter Thompson Bursary Established in February 2004 by the children, family and friends of Fran (nee Robertson, B.A. ‘64) and Peter (B.A. ‘62, LL.B. ‘65) in celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary on December 7, 2003. Awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in any faculty or school at Queen’s University. Preference will be given to married students with dependents. The L.H. and N.A. Timmins Awards Established by a bequest from the estate of Jeanne T. Costello, and awarded on the basis of academic performance and need, to students enrolled in any year of the Mining Engineering program. Applications should be made to the Head of the Department of Mining Engineering, who will make the award in consultation with department staff. First year students are eligible and they should apply by 30 April. The Frank Tindall Bursary Established by friends and colleagues of Frank Tindall and awarded on the basis of financial need to student(s) in any undergraduate program. Preference will be given to students in the first year and to students who play on the Queen’s Golden Gael Football team. Selection will be made in consultation with the Director of Athletics, a faculty member of the School of Physical and Health Education and the Head Football Coach. The Toronto-Dominion Bank Higher Education Awards Established by the Toronto-Dominion Bank and awarded annually to full-time or part-time students in any faculty or school on the basis of demonstrated financial need and high academic standing. The TD Bank Financial Group Bursaries Established by the TD Bank Financial Group and awarded to part-time or full-time undergraduate students on the basis of financial need. University Council Bursary Established by members of University Council and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any faculty or school at Queen’s University. The van Nostrand/Holt Family Bursary Established by Alison Holt, Arts 1987, former staff member in Alumni Affairs and Communications, and Innes van Nostrand, Science 1986, former Director of Alumni Affairs, as well as their friends at Queen’s. Awarded on the basis of financial need to an undergraduate student in any faculty or school at Queen’s University, with preference to those who have shown personal commitment to community service. The Velan Award Established in April 2002 by A. Karel Velan and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to a third or fourth year undergraduate student in the Department of Physics with a concentration in Astronomy, Physics or Engineering Physics. The Ian and Estelle Vessie Bursaries Established by Ian (B.Sc. 1938) and Estelle Vessie. Awarded to students in Applied Science on the basis of financial need. Preference will be given to students from Brockville, Ottawa and the surrounding regions. The Elizabeth Wallace Bursary A bursary given by the Faculty Women’s Club of Queen’s University to assist a female student or students, is named in honour of their first President, Elizabeth Wallace, the widow of a former Principal, Dr. R.C. Wallace. Applications should be made to the Director of the Ban Righ Foundation for Continuing Education. The Herman K. Walter Award Established by Herman K. Walter, B.Sc. (Eng) 1945 and awarded to an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Applied Science on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, leadership qualities and evidence of entrepreneurial spirit. The Daniel Grey Watt Bursary Established by Daniel Grey Watt, Arts 1931, B.Sc. 1933 (Electrical Engineering), and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student entering the second, third or fourth year of the Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering program in the Faculty of Applied Science. George R. Webb Bursaries Awarded to needy students in any faculty or year from secondary schools of Leeds County, the minimum standing required is 66 percent on Grade 13 papers written in the year of award or second class standing in the case of upper classmen. Marian Catharine Webb Bursary Fund The will of the late Marian Catharine Webb of Kingston provides for bursary assistance for women students over the age of twenty-five years. Preference is given to women who are either landed immigrants in Canada or daughters of landed immigrants. Applications for the Marian Webb bursaries shall be made in writing to the Marian Webb Bursary Committee in care of the Board of the Ban Righ Foundation for Continuing University Education. The Peter N.T. Widdrington Awards Established by Peter N.T. Widdrington, B.A. (Hon.), Economics, 1953, and awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students on the basis of financial need, academic ability, and leadership qualities. The Dr. Ernest J. Wiggins Memorial Award in Chemical Engineering Established by the family in memory of Dr. Ernest J. Wiggins, B.Sc. 1938, and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to second, third or fourth year students in the Department of Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science. Women in Engineering Bursary Established in memory of the fourteen women killed at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal on December 6, 1989. Awarded to an upper year female engineering student showing financial need. Major C. "Mike" Wiltshire Memorary Bursary Established in November 1995 by Gertrude goodall, B.A. 1941, in memory of her husband, C. "Mike" Wiltshire, B.A. 1963, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, and awarded on the basis of financial need to an undergraduate student in any Faculty or School at Queen's University. Application should be made to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) by 31 October. Value: variable The Wong International Bursary Established in March 2007 by John W. Wong, M.D. 1959, and Lily Y. Wong in honour of Dr. Min Sam Wong and Lau Yee Fern of Hong Kong. Awarded on the basis of financial need to international students in any year or program of studies at Queen's University, whose country of citizenship on admission to Queen's University was the People's Republic of China. If there are no eligible recipients from the People's Republic of China then the bursary may be granted to students whose address on admission to Queen's University was Hong Kong. Application should be made to the Associate University Registrar (Student Awards) by 31 October. Value: variable The Work Study Bursary Established from donations and awarded to a student who has qualified, on the basis of financial need, to participate in the Work Study Program.
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