The Scholarship:
This scholarship is established by TD Bank Financial Group and the Canadian 4-H Council to sponsor up to ten (10) scholarships, valued at $2,500 each.
The scholarship offer is for
Farm Credit Canada 4-H Club Fund members in their last year of high school who are planning to enroll in post-secondary education in an agriculture or agri-business related discipline.
Winners are selected based on their numerical grade point average, and who are planning post-secondary studies in an agriculture or an agri-business related discipline.
For more information, visit
General requirement for all Ford Credit 4H Scholarships:
Eligibility for funding
Applications must be from a registered 4-H club, district or region,
and be in good standing.
Clubs, districts and regions can apply to receive up to $500 per funding year for their initiative.
The funds
must benefit a group, and not an individual.
Clubs receiving funding must be willing to recognize FCC’s contribution.
Funds cannot be used for endowment funds.
Eligible Activities
Purchase of equipment and supplies (Achievement Day supplies, sports equipment, activity supplies, outdoor equipment, trophies, recognition of members).
- Costs associated with developing existing programs and activities.
- Costs associated with events, such as transportation costs, entrance and admission fees.
- Costs associated with club participation in exchanges and club trips.
- Developing or purchasing resource materials (leader, volunteer, activity materials).
- Volunteer support and recognition costs.
- Speaker fees and recognition.
- Seed money for local club fundraising.
Application Process
All applications must be
submitted online at Information about the application process will also be available at FCC regional offices.
Applications open on
August 01, 2019 and will be ongoing on a first-come, first- served basis.
Submissions will be reviewed and processed on an ongoing basis. Recipients will be notified of application status
within 30 days of their application submission
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